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5 Online Marketing Strategies that Earn Organic Traffic
The internet continues to change the way businesses perform marketing, and one of the best ways to gain more online customers is to organically improve your ranking on a Google search engine results page (SERP). But simply padding your website pages with more keywords...
What Will Replace Third-Party Cookies?
Cookies--so aptly named. Small and delicious. Who doesn’t want one? Online users freely offer up their cookies to marketers, who gobble them up handily. But what’s inside an online cookie? When users began to understand that it was their own personal information being...
The Importance of Being ADA Compliant
What does ADA compliance mean? ADA compliance ensures reasonable accommodation for Americans with disabilities. Businesses generally comply with doorway widths for wheelchairs, handrails, braille signs, and other physical modifications. But now the digital world is...
5 Link-Building Outreach Rules
5 Link-Building Outreach Rules All businesses want their content seen by as large an audience as possible. That’s why digital marketing is crucial to business growth. But some strategies generate a big audience more efficiently than other ones. Here are 5 rules of...
Joke’s On My Generation
Warning: Contains spoiler about Santa The Ellen Show has a segment “Boomers vs. Millennials” where a young audience member and an old one must cross generations to identify objects like “earbuds” (which the Boomer calls “earbugs”) and “floppy disk” (for which the...