Part Science
Part Art
1. Marketing is inter-disciplinary.
Effective marketing is the perfect blend of PSYCHOLOGY, DESIGN, ANALYTICS, TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT, FUNNEL/CONVERSION STRATEGY, WRITING, and ADMIN.– no single individual has depth of skill in all the disparate areas required.
2. Quantifiable results take time to develop. PERIOD.
Few marketing tactics yield overnight results and the ones that do can be costly. Good organic, viral, referral, profitable strategies start as a snowball and grow quietly into the force of an avalanche. And many companies QUIT BEFORE THEY HIT MOMENTUM. It’s hard to know which strategies and tactics to stay with, isn’t it? The menu of marketing categories is an endless and changing smorgasbord of things you’ve never heard of.
3. The menu of marketing categories is an endless and changing smorgasbord of things you’ve never heard of:
So, there’s all the new stuff . . .

4. 0n top of all the old marketing
questions you were already drowning in…

“I would spend more marketing money if I knew it worked.”
-Said all decision makers ALL THE TIME
Would you spend a dollar if it reliably produced two dollars?
Every business owner deeply desires a marketing plan so air-tight, so ingeniously-derived, so brilliantly executed and reported that they can see, touch, taste the outcomes and rest confidently knowing they have the edge on their competition.
In marketing, only the top 2-3 competitors yield the reward. Everyone else in the market is paying top marketing dollars to place as an “also ran.”

How do you know if you have a marketing problem?
- If you need more web traffic, but don’t know how to drive it
- If you want to re-vamp your website
- If you want “more sales…”
- If you want to produce content, but don’t know how
- If you want social media activity, but haven’t mastered it…
- If you need email follow-up but haven’t built the campaigns
- If you feel the need to raise brand awareness
You’re not alone…
Did You Know?

of enterprise businesses have NO SEO STAFF

of companies haven’t made the leap to MOBILE FIRST

of companies are NOT REGULARLY conducting email marketing

of marketers say driving traffic is their TOP CHALLENGE
knows some tricks

Tricks are fun, but they won’t get you very far without a solid marketing plan.

Efficient marketing is HIGHLY customized.
Constructing a bullet-proof marketing plan is unique to each company based on size, industry product, past marketing efforts, re-purposable content, individual skills, preferences, and much, much more.
Marketing uses a million ways to get from prospect to profit. The trick is to understand the shortest routes and compound them.
Titan Pub does a thorough background analysis with each client to make sense of their complex marketing history and choose from the smorgasbord of opportunities:
- – Audience
- – Message
- – Opt-in
- – Website
- – Paid leads
- – Organic opportunity
- – Content sources
- – Product
- – Pricepoints
- – Offers
- – Campaigns
- – Collateral
- – Ad history
- – Social standing
All of this informs a titanic, yet organized, marketing strategy where all options are narrowed and prioritized to the BEST marketing funnel possible for YOUR unique business.

What’s the solution?
- Construct a unique funnel.
- Consider your strengths.
- Content. Content. Content.
- Context. Right time. Right place.
- Consistent effort. Stay with it.
Top 10 Reasons to get serious about your digital marketing
- In 2018, the average firm allocated 41% of their marketing budget to online, and this rate is expected to grow to 45% by 2020.
- Everybody’s doing it because online survival is business survival.
- Digital marketing guarantees your spot in the “web” for the revolution that is the “Internet of Things.”
- Digital marketing is mobile & 91% of adults have a mobile device within arm’s reach.
- Companies using digital marketing strategies have 2.8 x’s better revenue growth expectancy.
- Digital marketing has a cumulative effect, (if you know what you’re doing).
- Digital marketing can be tailored to the prospect’s journey, (if you know what you’re doing).
- Digital marketing is adept at parsing and targeting audiences, (if you know what you’re doing).
- Digital marketing consistently delivers a better ROI, (when you know what you’re doing).
- Digital marketing is more cost-effective than traditional marketing, (when you know what you’re doing).